POSTING DATE:  May 10, 2019

CLOSING DATE:  Open until filled


Word of Restoration is hosting Camp Intersection from June 3rd through August 2nd. We are now accepting applications for the following positions:

Camp Administrator 1 (1 Position)
Full-time, temporary position hired for the Summer Day Camp Program and will assist indirectly by supervising and overseeing managing of meals and summer day camp activities. Also serves a dual role as the designee in the absence of the Camp Director to oversee camp activities. Assist Camp Child Care Director managing and handling camp program funds. Employment is June 3, 2019 – August 2, 2019. Receives 1-hour lunch and two 15-minute breaks. Rate of pay is $12.50/hr. (Typical Work Hours 8:30am-6:30pm)

Camp Administrator 2 (1 Position)
Part-time, temporary position hired for the Summer Day Camp Program and will assist with meals by monitoring each meal given out and keeping accurate count during the meal service periods as well as assist camp counselors as needed with activities. Employment is June 3, 2019 – August 2, 2019. Receives two 15-minute breaks. Rate of pay is $12.00/hr. (Typical Work Hours 8:00am-1:00pm)

Administrative Assistant (1 Position)
Full-time, temporary position hired for the Summer Day Camp Program serves as staff that assists with administrative duties to include sign and sign out of each child by their parent as well as employees (monitor sign in and out of lunch as well of all employees). Serves as an assistant to camp counselors on an as needed basis as well as in case of an emergency be willing to oversee and supervise classroom as a dual role as a camp counselor. Assist as well with snacks. Employment is June 3, 2019 – August 2, 2019. Receives 1-hour lunch and two 15-minute breaks. Rate of pay is $11.00/hr. (Typical Work Hours 7:00am-5:00pm)

Meal Service Staff (1 Position)
Part-time, temporary staff person hired to assist with the Summer Day Camp Program During meals. This staff persons will receive and store the vended meals, setup and prepare the serving site and clean-up and preparation for the next meal service. As well as assist with serving meals such as breakfast and lunch. Rate of pay is $10.00/hr. (Typical Work Hours only during meals 8:30am-1:30pm).

Camp Counselor (5 positions)
Full-time, temporary volunteer for the Summer Day Camp Program to assist with teaching-instruction and providing direct supervision to all campers during all camp activities (including all meals and snacks) by following a pre-planned daily agenda/schedule and lesson plan. Responsible for engaging campers in daily activities. Employment is June 3, 2019 – August 2, 2019. Receives 1-hour lunch and two 15-minute breaks. Rate of pay is $10.00/hr. (Typical Work Hours: 7:00am-5:00pm (2) or 9:00am-6:30pm (3)- must be willing to work one or the other shift).

Camp Volunteers (5 Positions)
Part-time/Full-time, temporary volunteer for the Summer Day Camp Program to assist camp counselors with teaching-instruction and providing direct supervision to all campers during all camp activities (including all meals and snacks) by following a pre-planned daily agenda/schedule and lesson plan. Responsible for engaging campers in daily activities. Volunteer for special events and activities including field trips. Employment is June 3, 2019 – August 2, 2019. Receives 1-hour lunch and two 15-minute breaks for full-time and two 15-minute breaks for part-times. Rate of pay is $0.00/hr. (non-paid position).

Volunteer can receive community service program hours upon request.

Click below to complete the online Employment Interest Form and upload your resume`: