The Word of Restoration campus will be open for in-person worship beginning May 23, 2021.
Initially, there will be one 9:00 a.m. worship service on Sunday.
Bible Study will remain online ONLY Wednesdays at 12:00 noon and 7:00 p.m.
Yes. Because the threat of COVID-19 still exists, it is imperative that all worship attendees register.
Registration will be open weekly on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. and close Fridays at 10:00 a.m.
Registration will allow the staff, H.E.L.P.S. partners, and volunteers to effectively and safely prepare for worship as well as maintain a safe capacity for all in attendance. The registration information will also serve as contact-tracing information. If WORIC is informed that someone in attendance at a particular worship experience has tested positive for COVID-19, everyone else in attendance will be informed so that an informed personal decision can be made regarding your health.
Absolutely! There are registration slots designated for first-time visitors. You are more than welcome to attend, however, registration is required. We look forward to seeing you in worship.
No. Initially, the main worship experience will be the only service held on campus.
Registration for in-person worship will be open the Tuesday [10:00 a.m.] -Thursday [3:00 p.m.] prior to Sunday worship. Capacity is limited to 180 attendee capacity and seats will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. The registration process will also include a MANDATORY online COVID-19 questionnaire [sent via email Thursday afternoon and due no later than Friday at 11:00 a.m.] which is required in order to secure your seat.
Click here: to register.
PLEASE NOTE: Your registration is NOT complete until the questionnaire has been completed.
Yes. Masks will be required at all times while in the building. This includes the entire worship experience as well. Masks are required for children 5 and older.
Yes. We ask that everyone maintain social distance from those who are not in your household. As difficult as it may be, we strongly discourage fist and elbow bumping.
FREE! We will be gathered to praise and worship the true and living God. You will be free to worship and praise without restriction and/or reservation.
Online worship will continue to air live on Facebook, YouTube and Livestream.
If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 within ?? days of attending a worship experience, we ask that you inform the Administrative Office immediately so that others in attendance can take the necessary precautions to help prevent the spread of the virus. PLEASE NOTE: Your identity will NOT be disclosed.
Those in attendance will simply be notified that someone in the congregation on that particular date has informed the ministry that he or she has contracted COVID-19.
While the effort to stop the spread is vital, operating in integrity is equally as important. Your information will be kept confidential.
As always, there is no dress code for attending a worship experience. During the warmer months, worship attire is relaxed. Feel free to wear your comfortable, yet “worship-worthy” attire.
While it is STRONGLY discouraged, on-site registration will be available for seating in the overflow section ONLY. This option does NOT guarantee that a seat will be available.
The seating capacity is as follows:
- Members and guests in the sanctuary – 265
- FIRST-TIME visitors in the sanctuary – 10
- Overflow seating in the Fellowship Hall – 50
We ask that everyone please continue to give utilizing the electronic methods. Offering will not be taken up during the worship experience. For those who prefer to give on-site, in order to minimize contact and practice social distancing, the brown, acrylic Provision Boxes will be used to collect offering before and after service.
The CPM bookstore will not be open initially, however, you may shop online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at
If during your temperature screening, your temperature measures 100.4 or above, you will be asked to step to the side and re-screened. We understand that the Texas heat can cause a temporary rise in body temperature. Stepping out of line will allow the flow of registration to continue and allow you time to cool down before being re-screened.
Should your temperature continue to register out of normal range, a medical professional from the WORIC Wellness Team will be onsite to assist you if need be and you will be asked to watch the service online.
Yes, the restrooms will be open, however, the maximum number of individuals allowed at one time will be limited.